H.I.D. Sport kft.
© H.I.D. Sport kft. 2013
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance is an ongoing process! Starting with the entrance control, concerning several crucial checkpoints during the production and for all safety-relevant parts there is an internal final control that imitates the most important parts of the CE-testing. For this purpose and in coordination with our customer's demands we do cycle-tests (between 1500 and 7500), leakage-tests and burst-tests. These tests are of course thoroughly documented and the tested products are stored for a long term period of time:
This all happens in our testing areas:
Since 2008 we have the possibility under supervision of a certified board company to do our own CE-testing. Furthermore there is a 4 mtr. deep pool that even allows test-dives.
Finally we have for all BCs and generally our inflatable parts our own system of identification labels, that allows us to trace these